Haymanda Art Exhibition

Speech By Daw Aung San Su Kyi Featuring

Artist Aung Min ( Sojourn in the human world)

A Date ( Fashion Film )

Dress by Nichii

Model - Ariel Thi

Film by Bhone

curation and art direction

It was one fine evening of January 2021 amidst the chaos of COVID, I set out to create one of a kind art show/exhibition with the artist ALCO. As the curator and director, I endeavored to rekindle the spirit of curiosity and artistic appreciation in passing travelers. We carefully selected Alco's paintings, each distinguished by their vibrant colors and thought-provoking subjects. Our intention was not to demand answers but to ignite a sense of wonder, encouraging individuals to pause and contemplate before continuing on their predetermined journeys."


A travel video with a cinematic twist.


A cafe in Hpa-An


Moment 001

Horror short film

Shot on iPhone 11 Pro